How to recover admin password for Sunba PTZ IP camera

How to recover admin password for Sunba PTZ IP camera

If you face a situation where you’ve lost and don’t have access admin credentials and ultimately can’t manage your IP camera there’s a way to reset it.

The only prerequisites are that you’re terminal is on the same physical segment as the camera and that you have IP connectivity to it.

Here are the steps.

Telnet into camera’s IP
Log in with the following credentials:

username root
password xmhdipc

rm -rt mnt/mtd/Config/*

Once you’ve reset camera’s IP will revert to and default credentials: admin: blank password

Since an rouge actor can exploit this issue to gain administrative access to the IP camera it’s recommended that the root password is changed on root access disabled.

Note: the aforementioned credentials reportedly work on Telnet service for other IP cameras such as Escam QD300, IPCX-MC41672, SecuPlug, TOP-201, ANRAN AR-AP2GA-WIFI-IP2, Foscam FI9821W